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Analysis of Daily Body Weight of High-Producing Dairy Cows in the First One Hundred Twenty Days of Lactation and Associations with Ovarian Inactivity

van Straten M., Shpigel N.Y., Friger M. - Journal of Dairy Science, 2008 91: 3353-3362

Associations among patterns in daily body weight, body condition scoring, and reproductive performance in high-producing dairy cows

Van Straten M., Shpigel N.Y., Friger M. - Journal of Dairy Science, 2009 92: 4375-4385

Granulo-pustular vulvovaginitis (“Jackal bite”) an emerging disease: Mycoplasma bovigenitalium and M. canadense infection of dairy cattle in Israel

Brenner, J. et al - Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2009 64: 103-107

Clinical syndromes associated with the circulation of multiple serotypes of bluetongue virus in dairy cattle in Israel

Brenner et al - Veterinary Record, 2011 169: 15

Case Report: Contagious Ecthyma – Deviations in the Anatomical Appearance of Lesions in an Outbreak in Lambs in Israel

Bouznach, A., et al - Israel Journal of Vetenary Medicine, 2013 68: 246-251

Induction of Uterine Cyclooxygenase by Leutenizing Hormone and Estradiol is an Important Determinant of Bovine Luteolysis

Shemesh M., Shore L.S., Fields M.J. & Hansel, W. - Israel Journal of Vetinary Medicine , 2015 70 : 6-10

The Influence of Subclinical Hypocalcemia on Production and Reproduction Parameters in Israeli Dairy Herds

Gild, C., Alpert, N., van Straten, M.- Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2015 70 (1): 16 - 21

Establishing a Specific qPCR Assay for Detecting Middle Eastern O Serotype Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV)

Engor, E., et al - Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2015 70: 21-25

Translocation of Rabies Virus in Israel by Cattle: A Threat for the Public Health

David, D., Dveres, N., Yakobson, B.A. and Davidson, I. - Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2015 70: 7-11

Mycoplasma bovis Seroprevalence in Israeli Dairy Herds, Feedlots and Imported Cattle

Lysnyansky, I., et al - Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2017 72 : 13 - 16 Copy

Brucella abortus S19 vaccine protects dairy cattle against natural / infection with Brucella melitensis

van Straten M, Bardenstein S, Keningswald G, Banai M. - Vaccine, 2016 34 (48): 5837-583916

Archive – Reproduction and fertility

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Archive – Udder Health and Milk Quality