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Effects of a low-energy diet followed by a compensatory diet on growth, puberty and milk production in dairy heifers
Barash H.. Bar Meir Y. andBruckental I. - Livestock Production Science, 1994 39 3: 263-268
Characterisation of lignins in straw, rumen liquor and faeces of sheep fed untreated and SO2-treated wheat straw
Ben Ghedalia D. et al - Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1994 47 (1-2): 89-98
Size Exclusion Chromatography of Cotton Stalk Lignins Isolated from Rumen Digesta and Feces of Sheep
Ben Ghedalia D. et al - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1994 42 (5): 1160–1163
Effect of dietary calcium soaps on milk yield, body weight, reproductive hormones, and fertility in first parity and older cows.
Sklan D. et al - Journal of Dairy Science, 1994 77: 1652-1660
Characterization of some cell wall components of untreated and ozone-treated cotton stalks
Yosef E. et al - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1994 42 (1): 86–90
Lactational response of dairy cows to change of degradability of dietary protein and organic matter.
Aharoni Y,, Arieli A. and Tagari H. - Journal of Dairy Science 1993, 76: 3514-3522
Evaluation of protein flow to the duodenum in dairy cattle by the in sacco method
Arieli A. et al - Livestock Production Science, 1993 35 (3-4): 283-292
Pectin fermentation and utilization by natural microflora during ryegrass ensilage
Ben-Ghedalia D., Yosef E. andMiron J. - Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1993 41 (2): 113-119
The degradation and utilization of structural polysaccharides of sorghum straw by defined ruminal bacteria
Ben-Ghedalia D., Miron J. and Solomon R. - Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1993 42 (3-4): 283-295
A note on the nutritive value of Ulva lactuca for ruminants
Arieli A., Sklan D. and Kissil G. - Animal Science, 1993 57 2: 329-331
Characterization of some cell-wall components of untreated and SO2-treated wheat straw
Yosef E. et al - Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1994 46 (s 3–4): 331–342
Monosaccharide digestibility by dairy cows fed diets high in concentrate and containing alfalfa silages.
Miron J. and Ben Ghedalia D. - Journal of Dairy Science, 1994 77: 3624-3630
Effects of energy allowance and cimaterol feeding during the heifer rearing period on growth, puberty and milk production
Barash H.. Peri I., Gertler A. and Bruckental I. - Animal Science, 1994 59 3: 359-366
The effects of the balance between rumen degradability of crude protein and organic matter and meal frequency on rumen fermentation
Shabi Z. et al - Annales de zootechnie, 1995, 44 2: 215-
Regularity of dairy cow feeding behavior with computer-controlled feeders
Brosh A., Aharoni Y., Levi D. and Holzer Z. - Journal of Animal Science, 1995 73 6: 1666-1673
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