Founded by the Israel Dairy Board, Israel Cattle Breeders Association, and the Dairy Industry, ”The National Service for Udder Health and Milk Quality” is a non-profit organization, whose objective is to improve the udder health and milk quality of all milk producers (cows, sheep & goats) in Israel. Today the “National Service” is the operative branch of the Israel Dairy Board, providing services to all milk producers with milk quotas, by virtue of a levy on each liter of marketed milk. The organization consists of a mastitis control laboratory, veterinarians and milking management advisers who are responsible for all farms in Israel that wish to employ their services. The laboratory also serves as a bacteriologicalreference laboratory for the central milk components laboratory. The proximity of the two laboratories enables samples sent by dairy farmers to the mastitis control laboratory for analysis, to be forwarded in the same transportation with the samples to the milk components laboratory, that are sent daily by the processing plants from all over the country. There is no further payment from the producers. The staff of the “National Service” works in close co-operation with the Mastitis Reference Center at the Kimron Veterinary Institute. Payments for the services provided by the National service for Udder Health and Milk Quality derive from the Israeli Dairy Board budget. The following services are provided to all dairy herds: Laboratory diagnosis and services
The lab is certificated with the Quality Management Standard ISO 17025 since 2007. Udder Health Tracing and planning the eradication of contagious mastitis. E.g. Strep. Agalactiae , Micoplasma and Staph. Aureus.
To the Laboratory Accreditation
Analysis of milking parlors and milking equipment
Dr Ya’ad Dahan | Professional Director and Field Activity Coordinator | |
Dr. Rama Falk | Laboratory Manager | |
Gavriel Peretz | Milking Management Instructor | |
Meir Reichman | Milking Management Instructor | |
Golan Yaakov | Milking Management Instructor | |
P.O.Box: 3553, Caesarea
Zip Code: 38900
Tel. 972-4-6274477 ; Fax. 972-4-6274242