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Field performance and nutritive value of a new forage sorghum variety ‘Pnina’ recently developed in Israel

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The degradation and utilization of structural polysaccharides of sorghum straw by defined ruminal bacteria

The degradation and utilization of structural polysaccharides of sorghum straw by defined ruminal bacteria

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Effect of ensiling pomegranate pulp with solid additives on chemical composition, intake and digestibility by sheep

Effect of ensiling pomegranate pulp with solid additives on chemical composition, intake and digestibility by sheep

Effect of ensiling pomegranate pulp…
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Digestibility by dairy cows of monosaccharide constituents in total mixed rations containing citrus pulp.

Digestibility by dairy cows of monosaccharide constituents in total mixed rations containing citrus pulp.

Digestibility by dairy cows of…
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Eating behavior, milk production, rumination, and digestibility characteristics of high- and low-efficiency lactating cows fed a low-roughage diet

Eating behavior, milk production, rumination, and digestibility characteristics of high- and low-efficiency lactating cows fed a low-roughage diet

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