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Foraging behavior of two cattle breeds, a whole-year study: II. Spatial distribution by breed and season

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Detecting ethanol and acetaldehyde by simple and ultrasensitive fluorimetric methods in compound foods

Detecting ethanol and acetaldehyde by simple and ultrasensitive fluorimetric methods in compound foods

Detecting ethanol and acetaldehyde by…
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Carry-Over of Aflatoxin B1 to Aflatoxin M1 in High Yielding Israeli Cows in Mid- and Late-Lactation

Carry-Over of Aflatoxin B1 to Aflatoxin M1 in High Yielding Israeli Cows in Mid- and Late-Lactation

Carry-Over of Aflatoxin B1 to…
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Silage Fermentation and in Vitro Degradation of Monosaccharide Constituents of Wheat Harvested at Two Stages of Maturity

Silage Fermentation and in Vitro Degradation of Monosaccharide Constituents of Wheat Harvested at Two Stages of Maturity

Silage Fermentation and in Vitro…
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Effects of soybean oil supplementation of high forage fattening diet on fatty acid profiles in lipid depots of fattening bull calves, and their levels of blood vitamin E

Effects of soybean oil supplementation of high forage fattening diet on fatty acid profiles in lipid depots of fattening bull calves, and their levels of blood vitamin E

Effects of soybean oil supplementation…
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