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Detecting ethanol and acetaldehyde by simple and ultrasensitive fluorimetric methods in compound foods

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Digestibility by lambs and nutritive value for lactating ewes of a total mixed ration containing Cephalaria joppensis silage as wheat silage substitute

Digestibility by lambs and nutritive value for lactating ewes of a total mixed ration containing Cephalaria joppensis silage as wheat silage substitute

Digestibility by lambs and nutritive…
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Computer-controlled milk feeding of calves; The effect of precise milk allocation

Computer-controlled milk feeding of calves; The effect of precise milk allocation

Computer-controlled milk feeding of calves;…
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The effects of supplementation of various n-3 fatty acids to late-pregnant dairy cows on plasma fatty acid composition of the newborn calves

The effects of supplementation of various n-3 fatty acids to late-pregnant dairy cows on plasma fatty acid composition of the newborn calves

The effects of supplementation of…
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Foraging behavior of two cattle breeds, a whole-year study: II. Spatial distribution by breed and season

Foraging behavior of two cattle breeds, a whole-year study: II. Spatial distribution by breed and season

Foraging behavior of two cattle…
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