One of Israel’s principal dairies, Tara’s history sounds like a folktale. The business began in 1942, when 7 dairy farmers from Tel Aviv’s Nachalat Yitzhak neighborhood sought a solution for their surplus milk. A meeting between the 7 resulted in the production of cheese and cream sold throughout the neighborhood. Ultimately these 7 farmers were joined by another 63. Together, they purchased a piece of land in Nahalat Yitzhak and established Tara Dairy. Today, Tara is Israel’s leading privately owned manufacturer of dairy products and Israel’s second largest milk processing dairy. It controls approximately 12% -14% of the Israeli dairy market, with products sold in all supermarket chains and most private groceries in Israel. The dairy also supplies its goods to hotels, hospitals and restaurants, as well as the export market. The company’s refurbished, modern headquarters still stands in the Tel Aviv neighborhood, and it has branch offices throughout Israel. Working in conjunction with a German company, Tara has built one of the world’s most advanced and innovative machines for pasteurization, production, packing and product marking.
Tara prides itself in being the only dairy in Israel strictly observing the Sabbath, making it exceedingly appealing to the Ultra-Orthodox Kosher market. Tara was purchased by CBC (Coca-Cola Israel) in October 2004.
Tara Dairy combines unique technology with stringent quality assurance procedures to produce its wide range of milk products, yogurts, cheeses and dairy desserts. The company heavily invests in R&D and has one of the leading departments in its field. Tara’s 3% fat content cottage cheese tastes like 5%. It recently served as Israel’s exclusive entry for the “Milk and Ice Cream” Category of the Golden Seal Award, one of the world’s most prestigious and important food awards.
Tara Dairy
115 Yigal Alon St., Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: 972-3-6949479, Fax: 972-3-6949412
Contact: Mr. Itzhak Gol
Tel: 972-3-6949258
Mobile: 972-54-2422095