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Apparent digestibility of minerals by lactating cows from a total mixed ration supplemented with poultry litter.

Ben-Ghedalia D., Miron J. and Yosef E. - Journal of Dairy Science, 1996 79 : 454-456

Dietary effects on fat deposition and fatty acid profile in muscles and fat depots on Friesian Bull Calves

Aharoni Y. et al - Journal of Animal Science, 1995 73 9: 2712-2720

Effects of fill volume of diets on digestive tract kinetics and fattening pattern of growing Holstein-Friesian bull calves

Aharoni Y., Brosh A. and Holzer Z. - Journal of Animal Science 1995 73 8:2418-4127

In-Sacco disappearance of starch nitrogen and fat in processed grains

Arieli A., Bruckental I., Kedar O. and Sklan D. - Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1995 51 s 3–4: 287–295

Silage Fermentation and in Vitro Degradation of Monosaccharide Constituents of Wheat Harvested at Two Stages of Maturity

Ben Ghedalia D. et al - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1995 43 (9): 2428–2431

A machine vision

Digestibility by Dairy Cows of Monosaccharide Components in Diets Containing Wheat or Ryegrass Silages

Ben Ghedalia D., Halevi A. and Miron J - Journal of Dairy Science, 1995 78 (1): 134-140

Effect of diet energy concentration and of age of Holstein-Friesian bull calves on growth rate, urea space and fat deposition, and ruminal volume

Brosh A., Aharoni Y., Levi D. and Holzer Z. - Journal of Animal Science, 1995 73 6: 1666-1673

Use of chemically treated cotton gin trash as a silage additive: A growth study with lambs

Mirom J. et al - Small Ruminant Research, 1995 18 (1): 19-25

Ozonated cotton stalks as a silage additive: Digestion of total and cell wall monosaccharide constituents of lucerne based dairy cows rations

Miron J. and Ben Ghedalia D. - Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1995 51 (1): 91-101

Monosaccharide Digestibility by Dairy Cows Fed Diets High in Concentrate and Containing Alfalfa Silages

Miron J. and Ben Ghedalia D. - Journal of Dairy Science, 1995 77 (12): 3624-3630

Performance of high producing dairy cows offered drinking water of high and low salinity in the Arava desert.

Solomon R. et al - Journal of Dairy Science, 1995 78: 620-624

Double-marker Digestive Tract Model

Aharoni Y., Brosh A. and Holzer Z. - Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1994 166 4: 407–417

Effect of wheat silage maturity on digestion and milk yield in dairy cows.

Arieli A. and Adin G. - Journal of Dairy Science, 1994 77: 237-243

Effect of whole cottonseed on energy partitioning and nitrogen balance in sheep

Arieli A. - Animal Science, 1994 58, 1: 103-108